What to Wear to Topgolf

A wide view of a Topgolf establishment.

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So you’re gearing up for your trip to Topgolf. You’re excited, you’re ready to check out the awesome technology, get some food, order some drinks and mingle with friends or loved ones. But one question remains: what the heck are you supposed to wear?

Topgolf is an interesting place. Since it’s so new, a lot of people are rather uncertain about the dress code and how they should style for the occasion. You are playing golf, after all, so you do want some kind of athletic gear. And yet a lot of the time Topgolf is a much more casual atmosphere than your typical golf course. Often you’re playing games and sometimes you might be doing more talking than actually playing. 

Other times, the main event may be a party or work event. You could even be there on a date. So what do you wear to match all of these different occasions?

In this article, we’ll go over what outfits will work at Topgolf, along with which ones to avoid. Here’s your full guide for what to wear to Topgolf. 

What to Wear to Topgolf: For Women

Women have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to Topgolf. While men can usually throw together a tee shirt and pants and be fine, women can go with any number of outfit combinations. Here are some ideas for what to wear to Topgolf as a woman. 

Tennis Skirts 

Topgolf is all about comfort and fun. Tennis skirts are a great way to match this energy. You can remain cute and classy while also being sporty and comfortable while you play. 


Shorts are another great option for Topgolf — especially for the summer season when it can be particularly hot. 


You can’t go wrong with a nice sweater. Sweaters are great when it’s a little chilly, you can stay warm and also swing easily. 


Be sure to grab a pair of sneakers for your Topgolf event. A stylish pair of sneakers will help you keep your grip while you swing and also send a fashion statement to those you’re with. 


For Topgolf events you may opt for some pants. You can go with jeans, leggings — most materials will likely work great for Topgolf. 


Dresses also work great for Topgolf — a tennis or golf dress fits the atmosphere perfectly.

Topolf Outfit Ideas for Women 

Here are a few outfit ideas for women at Topgolf. 

Comfortable and Classy: Tennis Skirt and Sweater 

Topgolf merges the old-fashioned game of golf with new and impressive technology. This calls for a vibe that’s both throwback and modern. To match your style to something nostalgic but new, try opting for a tennis skirt and an old vintage sweater. It’s the perfect match for an atmosphere like Topgolf and also a great photo-opp combo. 

Stylish Standard: Crop Top and Button Up 

Professional yet comfortable — go with a crop top and a button-up for a laid-back, fun elegance that will make you feel right at home in Topgolf. 

Pro Golfer: Golf Shirt and Pants

Want to match your outfit to your game? (Or just act the part?) Go all out and dress like a real golfer — golf shirt, pants and a golf hat so that when you step up to hit the ball, you’ll feel confident. 

What to Wear to Topgolf: For Men

Men also have a pretty wide range of options when it comes to what to wear at Topgolf. Here are some ideas.

Tee Shirt

As a man, you can’t go wrong with a simple tee shirt. It’s comfortable, it’s breathable and it’s something you often can’t get away with on a real golf course. 


For cooler or more professional occasions, opt to go with a button-up. You can stay warm and look sharp while you stripe the ball off the tee. 


Khakis and jeans alike will work here. If the occasion calls for it and you’re looking to stay comfortable, you can even go with sweatpants. 


As always, be sure to wear some sneakers that will keep you steady while you swing. A flashy pair of kicks can be perfect for a Topgolf atmosphere. 

Topgolf Outfit Ideas for Men

Here’s what to wear as a man to Topgolf. 

Comfortable and Classy: Flannel and Jeans

Flannels and jeans are the new wave, nowadays, and they work perfectly for a night out at Topgolf. 

Stylish Standard: Button-Up and Khakis 

Level up your style with a sleek button-up and a nice pair of khakis. Top it off with some nice shoes. 

Pro Golfer: Golf Pants and Collared Shirt 

Sometimes it pays to go all out at Topgolf. Look good, play good. Go with your best pair of golf pants and a collared shirt. Add a baseball cap to complete the ensemble. 

Based On Occasion 

Often what you wear to Topgolf will be dictated by the occasion you find yourself a part of. This can range from a date to a work event. Here’s what to wear in any Topgolf situation. 


For a date, you want to look cute and flirty. For women, this could be that skirt and sweater, jeans and a crop top or even a full dress. Men can match it with a flannel and khakis. 


A party might require some more stylish dresswear. For women, a dress is likely a safe bet, while men may want to opt for a sharp tee shirt and jeans. 

Work Event 

Work events will require professionalism while also lending itself to a sporty atmosphere. Women can wear a button-up or collared shirt and pants, while men can do the same. 

What Not to Wear to Topgolf

Perhaps even more important than what to wear to Topgolf is what you shouldn’t wear. Here’s what to avoid. 


If you’re going to avoid anything when going to Topgolf, avoid wearing flip flops. While it might seem like a comfortable choice at the moment, you’ll soon realize that it’s very difficult to swing in flip flops. Opt for sneakers instead so that you can stay grounded while you hit. 

High Heels

High heels are another piece of shoewear you’ll want to stay away from. You are there to play golf, after all, and swinging a club in high heels can be an extreme sport. Be sure to put away the high heels for a trip to Topgolf — go with some sneakers to be safe. 

Denim Jackets 

Anything that’s too tight-fitting can affect your range of motion and cause havoc on your swing. For this reason, you’ll want to avoid things like denim jackets as they can be constricting. 

Factors That May Affect How You Dress

Be on the lookout for any factors that may affect how you dress. You want to be ready for the environment as well as the occasion. 


Check the weather before you plan your outfit. Is it cold outside? Sweltering and sunny? Be sure to match your fit to the feel outside. 


As mentioned earlier, the event details will also help you figure out what to wear. Dressing up for a date, for instance, will be much different than dressing for a work event. 

Time of Day 

Even the time of day may have an impact on how you dress for Topgolf. During the day, you may go for something more casual, while at night it will feel more like you’re “going out” and you’ll want to upgrade your outfit. 

Is There a Dress Code at Top Golf? 

There is no specific dress code at Topgolf. This allows you to choose from a wide selection of outfits that will make you look and feel as good as possible while you play and have fun with friends. 

What to Wear to Topgolf: The Bottom Line 

Finding that perfect outfit for Topgolf can be challenging. We hope we’ve put together a guide here that can help as you decide what to wear.