What Is a Golf Ball Retriever?

A gloved hand holding a golf ball.

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A golf ball retriever is a tool that allows you to grab golf balls from water hazards, deep rough, sand traps and other hazards. Typically, a golf retriever will resemble a long, sticklike contraption that extends several feet. This allows you to stand in one place and grab a golf ball from the hazard. Golf ball retrievers offer a lot of convenience for golfers, as they allow you to retrieve misplaced balls without entering the hazard itself. 

Over the years, golf ball retrievers have become even more innovative. Today, they’re very popular in the golfing community. If you’re looking to buy your own golf ball retriever, it’s important to know a little bit about them as you start browsing. 

The Different Types of Golf Ball Retrievers 

Go online and you’ll find all different kinds of golf ball retrievers. Most will have the same style and basically the same essential function. They’ll vary by three main factors — length, grip and color: 


Golf ball retrievers will have buttons that you can press to extend your retriever. The farther the ball is from you, the longer you can extend it for retrieval. You can filter your shopping for retrievers by length — some will be able to extend much farther than others. 


Golf ball retrievers will also differ by the type of grip it has at the end. Many will have a circular shape at the end that allows you to easily pick a golf ball up from water hazards. Others may have clamps that can let you forcefully get a ball from deep rough. And others may even have suction properties that let you suck golf balls up. Be sure to think about how you’ll be using your golf ball retriever and make your purchase based on your specific needs. 


Lastly, golf ball retrievers will vary by color. These products come in all different kinds of colors — you may even be able to customize your own to match your favorite sports team or college. You can even make it coordinate with the color of your bag and golf clubs. 

The Advantages of Owning a Golf Ball Retriever 

Buying a golf ball retriever comes with many advantages. 

Save Money

Golf balls are expensive. And you can only guide your shot so much — at some point, it’s likely going to go skipping onto a pond or a thicket. In those moments, you need a tool to get your ball back. A golf ball retriever is a perfect solution that lets you get your ball back and allows you to save money. 

Find Extra Balls 

Aside from finding your own lost balls, you can also find a ton of other balls on courses. Bring one along in your bag and go fishing in the course pond. You’ll probably find a whole assortment of balls in a short amount of time — many balls will stick into the shallows of a pond and hang around in the muck. You can easily put your retriever in and pull out some golf balls — maybe even some ProVs. 

Take Some Pressure Off

When you’re teeing up in front of a water hazard, there’s likely a part of you thinking about your ball flying into its depths. With your trusty golf ball retriever on hand, you can have some more confidence that you’ll be able to find your ball or a replacement even after your tee shot. 

How Much Do Golf Ball Retrievers Typically Cost?

You should be able to find a quality golf ball retriever anywhere between $15 and $50. The price of a golf ball retriever will vary by brand and the type you get. You may also be able to choose from different materials which will affect the cost. 

Should You Buy a Golf Ball Retriever? 

If you’re looking for a convenient way to fetch your balls from water hazards and thick rough, then you could want to start looking for a golf ball retriever. They’re handy, affordable and offer a way to find not just your own golf balls but also many other ones that you find on the course.