How to Play Skins in Golf

A distant view of four people standing on a golf putting green.

Ever since a legendary match involving Tom Watson, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer was televised to the whole world, the game of Skins has become increasingly popular in the golfing world. 

It’s a game that’s simple in nature, and yet it makes a round much more intense and raises the stakes considerably. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to play skins, some of its variations and the tips and strategies for how to beat your friends and competitors. 

What Is Skins?

Skins is a golf game where each hole on the course is valued by a skin, which is essentially a point that is then assigned a monetary value by the group. The player with the lowest score of the hole wins the skin, and the player with the most skins at the end of the round wins. 

What Are Skins in Golf?

A skin is just a term for what the golfer with the lowest score wins at the end of a hole. Players will assign value to a skin before the round — say $5 a skin. So if you end up winning seven skins throughout the course of the round, then your payout would be $35, if each skin on the hole was worth the same.

In some cases, you may assign more money or points to skins on later holes. 

How to Play Skins 

Once you understand how to play skins, it’s relatively easy to set up with a group. Here’s how to play: 

1. Determine Skin Values 

The first and most important thing you’ll want to do is determine skin values. Now, each hole will have one skin no matter what, so there’s nothing to do there. However, the value of that skin can change from hole to hole. In many cases, the skins of the earlier holes will be constant — say $5, but as the round progresses, the values will rise. 

So this could mean hole ten would be worth $10, hole 15 could be worth $20, hole 17 could be $30 and hole 18 $50. Raising those skin values will add some more pressure to your round and add stakes so that everyone is playing for something up to the very end. 

All of this will depend, of course, on what your group is looking to accomplish. You may just want to keep skin values constant throughout the whole round to keep it simple.

You may also want to add a total payout for the sole winner of the skins match. 

Whatever your group decides, be sure to be discreet with what you choose and make sure that everyone understands the value system. 

2.  Decide Who Tees Off First 

The next part is easy — decide who’s going to tee off on the first hole. This can be as easy as flipping a coin or tossing a tee into the air. Once that order is decided, that same rotation will be kept for the remainder of the round. 

3. Play the Hole Normally 

Everyone plays the hole normally on their own, using their own ball for each shot and finishing out the hole in the traditional manner. 

4. Declare a Winner 

The player with the lowest score on the hole wins. If there is a tie on the hole, you can play what’s known as a carryover, where the skin is then pushed to the next hole. If that next hole is tied as well, the skin from that hole and the previous hole are carried again to the next hole. Each tie adds value to the following hole, since whoever wins takes all of the riches. 

5. Repeat for the Rest of the Round 

Repeat this same system for the remainder of the round, taking care to tally up who wins what skins. 

6. Tally Up Skins and Determine Payouts 

At the end of the round, tally up skin totals for each player and determine payouts. Some of this may take some math, as different skins may be valued differently on certain holes. 

If there is a tie on the last hole, you can, if you want to declare a sole winner, go into a playoff on a bonus hole. This last hole can be assigned any skin value and the lowest score wins. 

Variations of Skins 

Skins offers a few different variations to choose from. 

Whole Round Skins 

“Whole round” skins essentially refers to the traditional way to play skins. Players put money into a pot before the round and then you play, with each winner of the hole collecting a skin along the way. The player with the most skins at the end of the round wins the pot. 

No Carryovers

In original skins, a tie for the lowest score on a hole meant that the skin for that hole was carried over to the next hole. In “no carryovers” that tied skin is simply forgotten, left unclaimed for the round. 

Varying Values 

In skins, a group will have the ability to vary the value of a skin before the round. Traditionally, holes on the back nine are valued significantly higher to add some stakes. This can be in the form of monetary value or points, which are then totaled up at the end of the round to declare a winner. 

Back It Up 

“Back It Up” skins introduces some fun risk-taking to the game. In this version, the sole winner of a hole has the chance to “back it up,” which means that they’ll push their won skin to the next hole for double the value. So, if they win the hole, they get two skins at whatever their value. If they don’t win, then they lose the skin they won previously. 

The other person who won only wins the skin for the current hole. 

Tips for Playing Skins 

Although skins isn’t all that complicated, you can still benefit from keeping some key tips in mind. 

Clearly Define Skin Values Before the Round 

Before you start off the round, make sure everyone knows exactly what they’re getting into. Lay out a clear value system for each skin and write out what hole will be worth. This way you won’t have to spend time bickering with one another on hole nine. 

Keep Track of Who Wins What Hole

Carry a scorecard or use an app in your phone to keep track of who won what hole. This way, you can easily go back and tally up points at the end of the round to decide the winner. 

Add Varying Values to Spice Up Your Round 

Increasing skin values over the course of the round is a great way to raise the stakes and put the pressure on. It also allows for players who may have fallen behind to come roaring back and win a huge value hole late. 

How to Win Skins

If you’re looking to take all the winnings home with you, follow these core principles to win at the skins golf game. 

Be Smart 

If nothing else, play smart — especially as skin values increase. When that happens, people can start to get too in their heads and take wild chances. Play within yourself and stay focused to beat your competition. 

Play Your Game 

Just because you’re playing skins doesn’t mean you have to change your whole golf game up. If you’ve been playing awhile you know your style and how you play. Stay true to that style as you play. 

Be Aggressive on the Back Nine 

While you should stay within yourself, the back nine is often worth much more than the front nine in skins. This means it may pay to take some calculated risk on those holes. One risky maneuver could mean taking home a grand prize. 

Why You Should Play Skins 

If you aren’t convinced already, here are some reasons you should skins. 

It’s a Traditional Classic 

The origins of skins goes back centuries. Its origins are debated — some think it refers to the fur traders who hit the links at Scotland before going to the pub for a drink. They would bet their pelts or “skins” on golf holes. Others think it refers to the framework of the game, which allows a player to figuratively “skin” another player alive and beat them on any given hole.

Some even think this is where the “skin in the game” meaning came from — with each hole valued at a skin, players have a lot invested in the game.

Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that the skins golf game has stood the test of time and will continue to do so in the future. 

It Makes You Battle Pressure

Especially if you play with skin variations, this game can make you face pressure head-on. You’ll learn a lot about how you play under pressure and what you can do to improve your game. You may even surprise yourself in the process. 

It’s a Blast 

Skins is also just a lot of fun. It keeps everyone in the game throughout the whole round and adds competition to your golf outing. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about skins in golf.

How Is the Value of Each Skin Determined?

The value of each skin is typically determined by the amount of money or points agreed upon by the players before the round begins. For example, if four players each put up $10, then each skin may be worth $10, and the total pot would be $180 if all 18 holes are played.

What Happens If a Skin is Tied?

If a skin is tied, it typically carries over to the next hole and is added to the value of that hole. The skin will continue to carry over until a player wins it outright.

Can Skins Be Played With Different Handicaps?

Yes, skins can be played with different handicaps. The exact rules for how handicaps are applied can vary depending on the group’s preferences, but a common method is to adjust each player’s score by their handicap on each hole.

Skins: The Bottom Line 

When you’re deciding what golf game to play with friends next time you’re out on the course, skins is a safe bet for a good time. Feel free to come back here to brush up on the rules and outline strategies to win.