Should I Get Fitted For Golf Clubs?

Three golf bags sitting in front of a golf course.

Most golfers come to a point in time where they are deciding whether to get fitted for golf clubs. Some of us may even spend months or years debating it, looking for signs or maybe some all-knowing golf god to call down to us — “go get fitted!” 

The truth is that there may not be any one signal that lets you know if you should get fitted for golf clubs. However, there are a variety of reasons that you can look for to help you make your final decision.

Reasons You Should Get Fitted For Golf Clubs 

Getting fitted for golf clubs can be beneficial for the majority of golfers. If you’re unsure if it’s a good time to get fitted or not, look for these signs to help guide you to the right decision.

You’re a Beginner Golfer 

Some golfers wait to get fitted for their clubs until they figure out their swing. In some cases, this may be the right move, especially if you are having trouble repeating your same swing stroke over and over again. 

But beginner golfers often fall under the trap of using whatever clubs they can find. These clubs are usually hand-me-downs or someone else’s who has vastly different measurements than what the beginner needs. With clubs that are too short, too long or too difficult to hit a ball with, that beginner will suffer or develop bad tendencies. They may even get discouraged from playing the game again.

Fitted clubs offer the best possible chance for the beginner to develop great habits from the jump. It will give them the opportunity to hit the ball clear and square and can motivate them to continue playing. 

Your Game Is Suffering 

There are a lot of parts of golf that can contribute to poor play, whether it’s a grip, a jumpy stance or just a plain bad swing. Sometimes, it may actually be a problem with the tools you’re using. 

We’ve all seen the frustrated golf player who slams their iron into the ground, as if the club, instead of the player, was somehow at fault. 

If you’re having repeated struggles and nothing seems to be working, you may benefit from getting a fitted set. This is especially poignant if you’ve been using clubs you didn’t buy — you may just be using the wrong-sized clubs, which will wreak havoc on your golf game. 

You’re Willing to Invest In Your Game 

Golf fittings are also great for those who are looking to spend some time on their game and get the right tools. Golf is one of those rare sports where you have a variety of different tools you can use to reach your goal. Why not invest in some quality ones? 

Fitted clubs will help you solidify your commitment to golf and motivate you to continue playing. 

You Want to Take the Next Step 

The beginner and the advanced player alike will gain a lot of advantages from upgrading to a fitted golf set. Fitted clubs will make it easier to hit the ball and also give you more control over your shots. 

When you’re already confident in your game, there’s nothing quite like getting a fresh new set of clubs to play with. 

Benefits of Getting Fitted For Golf Clubs 

You may be wondering if getting fitted for golf clubs is actually worth it. It is an investment, after all, so you’ll want to make sure that you’ll be seeing some benefits. 

Here are some advantages to getting fitted for golf clubs.

Better Scores

Maybe one of the more obvious benefits is that you’ll likely start to see improvements on the scorecard. With fitted clubs, you’ll have measurements specifically tuned to your height and the way you swing. That means that the club’s mechanics will work with you, allowing you to hit the ball more squarely.

When it works, fitted clubs can help every aspect of your game. This can have a major impact on the overall quality of your golf rounds. 

Increased Confidence 

When you’re playing with an old set of clubs, sometimes you may question whether it’s your mechanics or the clubs themselves that are causing issues. Clubs that are too tall or too short can affect your game, and if you’re constantly questioning their quality, it can start to affect your headspace.

Taking the time to get fitted and find the perfect set for you will upgrade your confidence on the course. You’ll know that at least one part of your game is taken care of. You can focus on your mechanics and the quality of your swing fully. 

Golf is a game about the tools in your bag, after all, so taking care of that part of your game can offer a lot of advantages. 

Better Quality 

Fitted clubs offer more than just the right size for your body type — they’re usually very good quality, too. A fitting will have overall effects on your game — usually, the people who are fitting you have a great knowledge of the game and can even give you tips on how to swing.

From the grips down to the grooves on the clubhead, a fitting will immediately upgrade your golf set and allow you to strike the ball the right way. 


You’ll also be able to rely on a fitted set of golf clubs. Even when your round isn’t going as you planned, you’ll still be able to rely on the quality of your clubs. 

A round can go from bad to worse when you break a club, so investing in some durable sticks will let you battle through those rough patches more effectively. 

Save Money 

When you get fitted for new clubs, you might not be seeing the savings up front, but the truth is that finding the right clubs for you is a much better investment than just buying the best and hottest club. 

Getting one innovative and wildly expensive driver might be exciting, for example, but it may not have the exact effect on your game that you’re looking for. Instead, you can go through a fitting to see which clubs will have the best impact on your game. 

Many people can easily get lost in that game of throwing money at the newest club on the market, only to find that it doesn’t help all that much. The key is to remember that sometimes newer isn’t better — sometimes you just need to find the right fit for you.