How Much Is My Golf Cart Worth?

Golf carts are awesome pieces of technology that can add convenience to the golf course and also to daily life. Today, you’ll see golf carts on college campuses, islands and even small towns. 

If you’re looking to upgrade your golf cart, you may be wondering how much you can get out of your current ride. In this article, we’ll take a look at all the factors that may be dictating the final selling price of your golf cart, along with how to determine its value. 

Factors That Affect Golf Cart Worth

There is no Kelly Blue Book for used golf carts, so you’re going to have to do most of the valuation yourself. If you know what to look for, then the process can go much easier for you. Here are some factors that can dictate the final price of your used golf cart.  

Overall Condition

The most important factor is the overall condition of your golf car. Yes, golf carts are often more about functionality than flashiness (although that’s also slowly changing), but the eye test will likely be one of the most important parts of your valuation. How does it look? It is dirty, beaten down and covered in dents and scratches? Or is it in fairly good condition, with little sign of wear? 

Take a look at your golf and try to see it from someone else’s perspective. You could even ask a friend or family member to take a look and see what they think. 


How does your golf cart drive? Whoever is looking to buy your golf cart will likely want to do a test drive in your golf cart before they purchase, so make sure to drive it around before you post your selling price online. Be honest with yourself as you drive — are there any hitches? Is it dying every five minutes? Make sure to factor any of this in as you’re deciding how much to sell for. 

Make and Model 

A crucial part of evaluating a used golf cart’s price is the make and model. This is the brand of the golf cart as well as the specific model of that brand. Well-known makes from top brands like Yamaha, Club Car and E-Z-Go are more trusted and will likely sell higher, while little-known brands might not offer the same kind of trust and reliability. 

Likewise, an older model might raise more red flags for potential buyers. When it comes to golf carts, overall condition is typically more important than the model of the cart, but it’s still something to keep in mind when you’re figuring out how much to sell your used golf cart for. 


How old is your golf cart? This factor is dependent on other factors. As was just mentioned, how well you took care of your golf cart will play a bigger role in selling than its overall age. For instance, someone who bought a golf cart fifteen years ago but rarely used it, kept it pristine and had it refurbished may have a more valuable golf cart than someone who bought one five years ago and treated it terribly. 

The age of a golf cart is important, yes — but how you took care of that golf cart over the years may be even more integral to its final selling price. 

Type (Electric, Gas or Diesel) 

Your type of golf cart will be another major selling point. In recent years, clubs have been switching over to electric golf carts, threatening to make gas golf carts a part of the past. If you have a gas golf cart, it might no the same appeal it did fifteen years ago. On the flip side, it may also be a rarity that someone wants to claim. 

Diesel carts are even rarer and may be gold to someone who wants to spend hours working on an engine. Electric carts will be best for those looking for something modern and new. 

Ultimately, you should target your type of golf cart to the audience you think will want it. 


Any added accessories and custom features can help raise the price of your used golf cart. This includes things like speakers, adjustable mirrors, cupholders, enclosures and LED lights. The more tricked out your golf cart, the more appealing it may be to a buyer. Remember, however, that a tricked-out golf cart is only as good as its engine and overall drivability. 

Still, it’s important to market those accessories so that buyers who all what they’re getting when they buy your golf cart. 

How to Determine How Much Your Golf Cart Is Worth 

Now that you know the various factors that will dictate your golf cart’s selling price, it’s time to get down to business and actually put a price on your cart. This can be easier said than done. In order to create a fair and fruitful price, you’ll want to follow a few different steps. 

Examine Its Condition 

The condition of the golf cart is one of the most important factors in selling. After all, you’ll probably be posting pictures of your cart online, and that first impression is everything. If it looks old and worn down, it might be passed by. If it’s new and sparkling, everyone might want to make a bid. 

Try to be as objective as you can as you survey your used golf cart. Have others take a look and see what they think. Any dents, deep scratches or flimsy parts may mean you need to lower the price.

Take a Test Drive 

Drive your used cart around. Be sure to go farther than just across your driveway. Make sure it holds up for minutes at a time and drives steady. See if there’s anything wrong with the steering or brakes — those are both important factors you’ll want to include in the description of the golf cart. 

Check Online 

One of the most helpful ways to price your used golf cart is by checking with other sellers online. Go to places like Ebay and see what other used golf carts are going for. This can at least give you a range to play in to ensure that your golf cart gets real offers. 

Get a Valuation 

And finally, if you really want to be reliable, you can get a valuation from a professional. A professional can help you get a legitimate estimate on your cart, which can give you confidence and authority going into the selling process. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about golf cart value.

How Much Is a Used Golf Cart Typically Worth? 

A used golf cart will usually be worth anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 depending on various factors like condition, make and model and engine type.

Can I Sell My Golf Cart for More Than Its Appraised Value?

Yes, you can sell your golf cart for more than its appraised value if you find a buyer who is willing to pay more. The appraised value is simply a starting point for negotiations.

Should I Sell My Golf Cart Privately or Trade It In?

It’s generally more profitable to sell your golf cart privately rather than trade it in. Dealerships will typically offer you a lower price for your cart in a trade-in situation, but selling it privately can take more time and effort.

How Do I Prepare My Golf Cart For Sale?

To prepare your golf cart for sale, you should clean it thoroughly, make any necessary repairs or upgrades, and take high-quality photos to use in your listing. You may also want to provide a detailed description of the cart’s features and condition in your listing.