How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last?

Wide shot of a rolling golf course with a golf car sitting on the fairway.

A golf cart battery can last anywhere from five to 10 years. A lot of this will depend on how often you use it and how well you take care of it.

Electric golf carts are becoming much more popular and for good reason — they offer a sustainable, effective alternative to gas-guzzling gas carts. 

Still, electric carts can pose some more complicated issues — like dealing with a battery replacement. It can be challenging trying to figure out when to replace a battery or how long you’ll be able to rely on the one you already have.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how often you should change your golf cart battery, the factors that may be affecting its lifespan and strategies to help you extend your golf cart battery’s life. 

Factors that May Affect Your Golf Cart Battery 

There are a variety of different factors to think about when it comes to your golf cart battery. Aspects such as age, storage, battery quality and driving habits can all impact how your battery operates. It’s important to understand how those factors contribute to your battery’s lifespan so that you can keep it in mind for future reference. 


The age of your battery is one of the most significant factors when it comes to your battery’s lifespan. Once your battery gets to the end of its life, it can start to develop problems or even fail to work. When you’re figuring out how much time your golf cart battery has left, it can be helpful to check the age of your battery. This may give you insight into when you’ll be needing your next replacement. 


You should also consider where you’re keeping your golf cart. If your golf cart battery is constantly being exposed to very high temperatures, this could eventually start to diminish its lifespan. Likewise, freezing temperatures can have an adverse effect.

When not in use, it’s best to store golf carts in a cool area to ensure the battery isn’t being harmed. 

Battery Quality 

Where are you getting your battery from? A trusted brand name will likely function better than a used electric cart you bought from a stranger. Be sure to find a provider that you can trust and try to find a battery that isn’t too far along in its life cycle.


How often you drive your golf cart can have a huge impact on your battery quality. If you’re just it using for a round or so a week, it will likely last a long time. But if you’re taking it out every day and driving it around the course, you may need to estimate a shorter life span for your battery. 

Driving Habits 

Along with usage, how you drive your golf cart will also be significant. If you’re slow and gentle, the battery will thank you and likely last longer. If you’re constantly going at top speeds, the lifespan may be reduced greatly. 

Improper Maintenance 

Be sure to keep up with battery maintenance and fix issues when they arise — any lingering problems can become major and eventually start to affect the battery. 


Be wary of how much you’re charging your golf cart battery, too — if you overcharge, it may actually harm the battery. Keep an eye on how long you should charge your battery so that you can be confident you aren’t doing any harm.


Nowadays, golf carts come fitted with all different kinds of gadgets — air conditioning, GPS, coolers — the more features you have on your cart, the more likely your battery will probably run out of juice. If you have a standard cart with the bare minimum, on the other hand, your battery will likely live longer.

As you can see, there are a lot of different factors you should consider when figuring out the life of your golf cart battery. Try to keep an eye on the core issues — these will clue you into how long your battery may last 

How to Prolong the Life of Your Golf Cart Battery 

While it’s helpful to look for those factors that may be contributing to the life of your golf cart battery, you should also find strategies to help you prolong its life. This will give you some control over how long it lasts and give you some confidence about its effectiveness. Investing in a quality product, finding the right charger and preventing corrosion are a few ways you can extend your golf cart battery’s life. 

Find a Quality Product 

Although it might seem tempting to try to find a used battery, it may not offer you the kind of longevity you’re looking for. If you want something you can rely on, try to invest in a quality product that will hold up for the long haul. 

Find a Good Charger

You’ll always want to find a reliable charger — if you have a great battery but your charger is lacking, then you might not be getting its full potential. 

Prevent Corrosion 

Make sure you’re frequently cleaning your battery and providing maintenance so that you can prevent corrosion from forming. 

How Often Should You Change a Golf Cart Battery? 

Typically, you’ll have to change your golf cart battery from anywhere between five and 10 years. Use the information above to help you determine when the best time to replace your battery is.