Golf Simulator Home Setup: Ultimate Guide

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Golf simulators are the new hot topic. You’re seeing them at golf ranges, in golf shops — even in your friend’s basement. Golf simulators allow golfers to practice their game year-round, regardless of the climate they live in or the weather on that current day. 

Golf simulators are extremely impressive today. Even over the last five years, the technology has drastically improved so that your shots are traced precisely and accurately. This allows you to gain valuable insights into your swing and even shave strokes off your future rounds. 

Aside from all those benefits, golf simulators are also just really fun. You get to play all of those courses you’ve always wanted to get to — Pebble Beach, Augusta, Torrey Pines — all without having to actually step out your front door. 

If you’re looking to bring some of that magic into your own home, you’ve come to the right place. Adding a golf simulator to your home is a great idea, and it also comes with a bit of planning to get everything right. 

We’ve put together an ultimate guide to help guide you through the golf simulator home setup process, from start to finish. If you’ve already completed a step already, feel free to jump ahead to find the right section for you. 

Golf Simulator Home Setup Ideas 

To begin with, you’ll want to figure out where your golf simulator is going to go in your home. If you’re at the start of the process, you may just know that you want a golf simulator, but you’re not sure exactly how or where you’ll install it. 

Sometimes this even bars some people from investing in a golf simulator. They’re just not sure where they have the space to put it. It turns out, however, that you often have more space than you think. It might just take some creativity to figure out where to put it. 

Here are some examples of where you can install a golf simulator:

  • Basement
  • Garage 
  • Backyard 
  • Living Room
  • Shed

We’ll go into more detail to see how you can make each of these golf simulator setups work.

Basement Golf Simulator Setup

One of the most common places people choose to install a golf simulator is in their basement. Here are some of the pros and cons of a basement golf simulator setup


  • Convenience: A basement golf simulator is ideal for those looking for convenience. All you have to do is walk down the stairs and boom — you can be playing Pebble Beach in five minutes. 
  • Resale Value: A golf simulator in your basement can also significantly increase the resale value of your home. Depending on how much you invest into the simulator and the atmosphere you create, it could potentially add a big chunk of change to your final selling price. 
  • Built-In Noise-Proofing: Basements are usually pretty good at containing noise, meaning you won’t have to spend extra cash on soundproofing the room. That means you can confidently stay up playing while the family sleeps. 
  • Family Fun: A basement golf simulator will become a focal point of your home. Saturday nights can turn into fun game nights with the family, battling each other on courses and trying out various skill games. It’s a great time for all involved. 


  • Temperature: Let’s face it — basements can often be cold. Heat tends to rise to the upper levels of the house, causing the basement to lose some of that warm coziness. You’ll want to avoid keeping the basement too cool to avoid muscle stiffness and also any harm to your simulator. You may need to add heaters to keep your basement at a comfortable temperature. 
  • Dampness: Basements can also attract unwanted moisture, leading to mold. You’ll want to keep this dampness away from your golf simulator as much as you can. You can add some dehumidifiers to alleviate this. 
  • Space: A common issue facing many basement golf simulators is the amount of space. You’ll need a high enough ceiling and enough depth to install a golf simulator. 
  • Lighting: Since basements don’t have any natural light, you’ll need to buy some lighting to go with your simulator. 

A basement golf simulator can be an amazing addition to your home. You can create an entire atmosphere with your simulator, adding a bar, leather couches and more to make it a complete experience. If you have the space to do it and the right safety measures in place, it could be the perfect option for you.

Garage Golf Simulator Setup 

Many people don’t consider it, but your garage may actually be an ideal spot to install your dream golf simulator. 


  • Space: The garage is typically a great space for a golf simulator because of its sheer size. They usually have a lot of depth and width. In many cases, you won’t be using the full capacity, leaving space open for a golf simulator installation. 
  • Seclusion: Garages are also kept away from the rest of the home, making them a great place to unwind, relax and play some golf on a simulator. 
  • Noise: A big concern about golf simulators is the noise they make. You’ll usually be firing a golf ball onto an impact screen at full force, after all, which can make a ruckus. A garage can defend against a lot of that since it’s usually in its own space away from bedrooms and living rooms. 


  • Height: Some garages may just not have the dimensions needed for a golf simulator. While they could have the height for it, some garages are smaller than you think, causing you to have to go back to the drawing board for your simulator installation. 
  • Insulation: If you’re in a cold-weather climate, look out — the temperature of your garage could plummet in the cold months. Consider adding some extra insulation along with heaters to keep it cozy. 
  • Clutter: Garges are often places cluttered with lawn tools and garbage. You’ll want to clear a lot of this out if you’re going to put a golf simulator in. 

Backyard Golf Simulator Setup 

If you’re in the right climate, a backyard golf simulator can be an awesome idea. Obviously, with a backyard golf simulator, you may have to make some tweaks to the typical setup. But if you can pull it off, it can be an impressive addition to your property. 


  • Space: Space essentially becomes a non-factor when you put your simulator outside. The usual headaches that slow down the process like dimension requirements are thrown out the window. 
  • Fresh air: The one drawback of golf simulators is that they take away one of the best aspects of golf — being outside in the fresh air. With an outdoor golf simulator, you get the best of both worlds. 
  • Avoid regulations: Sometimes local regulations may also create problems during golf simulator installation. Moving your simulator outside will allow you to circumvent a lot of those local ordinances. 


  • Climate-Dependent: The most obvious problem with an outdoor golf simulator is that it’s climate dependent. If you live in a cold climate, you probably won’t want to invest in a luxury golf simulator in your backyard that’s going to get snowed in come December. 
  • Weather-Dependent: Outdoor golf simulators are also tricky because they’re weather dependent. Many people opt to go for a portable simulator so that they can move their simulator inside quickly if a storm comes. 
  • Lighting: Figuring out lighting can also be an issue when it comes to an outdoor golf simulator. String lights can solve the issue or you may only want to play in the daylight. 

Living Room Golf Simulator Setup 

Even your living room can be a great place for a golf simulator setup. 


  • Central location: The living room is in a convenient location in your home, allowing the simulator to become a central facet of your house. Entertain family and friends and create an entire atmosphere around your new addition. 
  • Dimensions: Living rooms are also typically larger, allowing your golf simulator to fit snugly into the home. 
  • Cozy feel: You won’t have to worry about dampness, cold or darkness in the well-lit, coziness of your own living room. 


  • Noise: The central area of the living room also creates an issue — noise. If people are trying to sleep, you probably won’t be able to tee off into the impact screen at will. 
  • Intrusive: A golf simulator in your living room can be a lot. But if you’re an avid golfer, it can be ideal. 
  • Wear: Be aware of pets or children roaming in the living room and damaging parts of your golf simulator. 

Shed Golf Simulator Setup

If you have a shed somewhere on your property, it may be another great spot for a golf simulator. 


  • Noise: There’s no need to worry about noise when you’re in a shed. Away from the main house, you can confidently strike the ball without bothering anyone in the home. 
  • Space: Depending on the size of your shed, you may have more than enough space to install your golf simulator. You may even have extra room to put some nice seats and even a bar. 
  • Privacy: Sheds offer the ultimate kind of privacy. You can take that glorious walk from your home to the shed and sit back, breathe easy and swing away. 


  • Wiring: You may need to hire an electrician to see how you can wire up a golf simulator in your shed. Sometimes figuring this out can be tricky. 
  • Insulation: If you don’t have proper insulation, your shed can get cold in the winter months. Space heaters and added insulation can help. 
  • Permits: You’ll also need to clear local ordinances in order to build a shed and install a simulator. Be sure you’re checking these out before you start to build. 

Golf Simulator Home Setup Materials: What You’ll Need 

For the full home golf simulator setup, you’ll want to make sure that you have all the items you need. Be sure to take your time with this process and find the best-quality products you can find, that way you can be confident in your purchases and ensure your simulator will work great for years to come. Here’s what you’ll need for your home golf simulator setup. 


A golf simulator projector looks like your typical projector, with a large HD camera included that, instead of projecting a crystal-clear movie (although you can watch movies with it) displays your golf ball after striking it into an impact screen. A projector isn’t absolutely necessary, of course. You can use a TV screen or even a laptop and sync up your simulator with the compatible screen.

If you’re looking for a truly impressive display, however, and a comprehensive golf simulator experience, then a projector is a must-have. The quality of projectors today can make you feel like you’re really on the course, striping a ball down the fairway onto the sunny, spotless fairways of Pebble Beach or through the foggy downs of St Andrews. Golf simulator projectors come with their own confusing jargon. Here are a few terms to keep in mind while you shop.

Throw Distance

A golf simulator projector’s “throw distance” is a measurement of the projector’s lens from the impact screen. Finding the right throw distance is important because it will ensure you won’t cast any shadows on your impact screen and give you the best possible quality for your simulator.

For the ideal throw distance, you’ll want to set up your projector in a spot that’s not too far from your impact screen but also not too close. To find that ideal position, you’ll have to make a few calculations:

Throw Ratio = Distance from Screen to Projector / Width of the Image

Throw Distance = Throw Ratio x Image Width

Once you calculate this, you can choose the right projector for you — either a standard throw, short throw or ultra short throw projector. In most cases, golf simulators will fall within a similar throw ratio. If all of these calculations are too confusing, you can always reach out to a golf simulator expert and find what you need. 

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio refers to the shape of the image begging projected. With the right aspect ratio, you’ll have a full image that covers the entire size of your simulator screen, instead of masking bars that cover up the top or sides of your screen. There are a few different types of projector aspect ratios:

  • 16:9 
  • 4:3
  • 16:10
  • 1:1

You’ll want to find the aspect ratio that fits your screen perfectly so that you can have a full, quality picture. 


Lumens refer to the measurement of the brightness of your golf simulator projector. The more lumens the projector has, the brighter your screen is going to be. You’ll want to find a projector with at least 1500 lumens for a quality picture. The more lighting you have in your golf simulator space, you more you’ll likely you’ll want to up the lumens. 2,200 to 2,500 is a good range for that next level. With a lot of lighting in that space, you may want to find something with more than 2,500 lumens. 

A lot of this will depend on your budget, as investing in more lumens will up your investment. Projector lighting comes in a few different varieties

  • Lamp: Affordable, effective — great for those looking to use their simulator in a casual nature. 
  • LED: Great for longevity though don’t offer exceptional brightness. 
  • Laser: Quality brightness and low maintenance. 


The resolution of a golf simulator projector refers to the clearness of the picture when it is displayed. You’ve likely come across resolution standards when browsing YouTube or watching your favorite Netflix show. Resolution differs when it comes to golf simulator screens, however. Simulator screens come with a unique texture that affects the resolution quality. That’s why 4k will look a bit different on a golf simulator screen when it’s compared to your flatscreen. 

Golf simulator resolutions come in two main types — 1080p and 4k. 


1080p projectors are the standard when it comes to golf simulators. They’re affordable and cast a great picture on your impact screen. 


Recently, the use of 4k projectors has started to grow in popularity for golf simulators. 4k is also known as ultra-HD because of its quality image. 4k projectors are more expensive than 1080p projectors because of their upgraded resolution. 

Where Do I Mount My Golf Simulator Projector? 

Most people tend to mount their projectors on the ceiling. Others, however, may put their projector on the floor. A lot of where you mount your projector will depend on any obstructions in the room. 

Don’t forget to consider other aspects of your golf simulator projector such as wireless connectivity, Bluetooth speakers and any other accessories you may want it to provide. 

Shop Golf Simulator Projectors

Launch Monitor 

A golf simulator launch monitor is the core of your golf simulator — without it, nothing works. A launch monitor will sit around the hitting area and track your shots after impact. It will then absorb all of the data from your shot, transmit it to the software you have installed and display it on your impact screen so that you can have an immersive experience.

Nowadays, launch monitors are extremely impressive. They can present data such as distance, launch angle, spin, location ball speed and much more. Launch monitors continue to become more advanced every day. 

So how do you find the right launch monitor for you? Take a look at some of the core components of launch monitors to see what they offer. 


Launch monitors will offer different applications that you can use. Some may be more useful for range practice where you can set it up and work on your game. Others may be more suited to home golf simulator setups where you can choose from a wide variety of virtual courses and games. 


If you’re big on ball and club data, then you’ll want to focus on this parameter when shopping for golf simulator launch monitors. Here is a list of some of the common data launch monitors can provide:

  • Ball distance (carry distance, roll distance, total distance)
  • Flight time
  • Apex height
  • Ball speed 
  • Ball spin (backspin, sidespin, spin rate, spin loft)
  • Ball launch angle
  • Ball descent angle 
  • Smash factor
  • Impact point 
  • Angle of attack
  • Club path
  • Club head speed

More advanced launch monitors will offer more dynamic data readings that you can use to upgrade your game. 

Size and Space

More basic launch monitors, such as the Garmin R10 or Flightscope Mevo, you’ll be able to carry with you portably and set up wherever is convenient. More luxury launch monitors, however, you’ll be able to mount to your ceiling. Unique monitors will also require you to place the launch monitor at a certain distance from your swing. 


Be sure you’re checking what type of tech and software your launch monitor is able to connect to. Each will have its own unique connectivity parameters that will allow you to pair devices and software for an optimal experience. 

Shop Launch Monitors

Impact Screen and Enclosure 

The impact screen is what you’ll be hitting your ball into. An impact screen needs to be strong and durable so that it can withstand the amount of force a typical golf shot generates. Today, most impact screens are made out of a strong polyester mesh that absorbs the force with a strong layer of fabric. Consider these factors when choosing the right impact screen:

  • Smoothness: The texture of your impact screen will dictate how clear your picture will be from the projector. The smoother the impact screen, the more crystal-clear those virtual courses will come through. 
  • Durability: Be sure to invest in a quality impact screen so that you can be happy with its durability. Finding a screen with more thickness can help avoid having to get a replacement in the near future. 
  • Noise-dampening: Some impact screens also come with noise-dampening technology, which is great for those who plan to have some late nights on the simulator while others are sleeping. 

For the premium at-home golf simulator experience, you’ll also want to invest in a golf simulator enclosure. An enclosure covers your simulator with protection so that you can get the best picture quality and have an immersive experience. The enclosure will also help contain golf balls and other simulator accessories. 

Shop Impact Screens

Swing Camera 

Many people invest in golf simulators because they’re one of the best ways to conveniently work on your game. You can take advantage of data-capturing technology to work on your swing. With a swing camera, you can take practice to a whole new level.

A golf simulator swing camera allows you to record and play back your swing in slow motion, going frame-by-frame to see exactly how you can improve on every shot. You can easily mount this camera to your golf simulator enclosure to record your practice. When buying a swing camera, keep in mind a few key terms:

  • Frame Rate: This measures how quickly the camera is able to capture images. Aim for something 160 frames per second or more. 
  • Resolution: How clear the images of your swing will be. Pair the resolution with a high frame rate and great lighting for the best experience. 
  • Focal Length: A small focal length = wider camera angle. For small spaces, you’ll want a wider angle. 

You can pair your swing camera with golf software to gain valuable insights into your game. 

Shop Swing Cameras


Golf simulator software is what allows you to see your ball flying through a blue sky and onto the virtual fairway of your impact screen. The software transmits the complicated data from your launch monitor and converts it into a beautiful image that we can then make sense of.

There are many different types of golf simulator software on the market. To choose the right software for you, consider these different elements:  

  • Virtual Driving Range
  • Virtual Courses
  • Computing Power
  • Graphics
  • Multiplayer and Online Play
  • Training and Games 


A quality golf simulator hitting mat is essential so that you can protect your clubs, your home and feel confident on every shot. You’ll want to find a golf mat that has an authentic feel to real grass, we well as a softness that allows you to swing fully without risking injury. Invest in a golf hitting mat that’s made from quality materials and will stand the test of time. 

Shop Golf Mats

How to Set Up a Golf Simulator In Your Home

Now that you know the basics of what you’ll need and have some ideas on where you can set up your home golf simulator, it’s time to jump into the action. Installing a golf simulator in your home can be a big task, so it’s important to break up the process into manageable steps. 

1. Choose Your Space

The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out where you want your home golf simulator to go. We discussed a few different spots in a previous section:

  • Basement 
  • Garage 
  • Backyard
  • Living Room 
  • Shed

Before you determine that the space is ready for a golf simulator, you’ll want to take measurements of the entire room. This is extremely important — the dimensions will tell you if it’s a good place for a golf simulator as well as the size of the simulator you’ll be able to install. Most areas will likely be wide enough to fit a golf simulator. What you’ll need to worry about is the height. 

You’ll need a minimum of 8.5 feet of height for a golf simulator, along with 10  feet of width and 10 feet of length. This will ensure your golf simulator can comfortably fit inside the space. Some of your dimensions may also be affected by the height of the player. Shorter players may be able to get away with a lower ceiling, for example, since the apex of their swing won’t be as high. 

2. Gather Your Materials

Once you’ve narrowed down the dimensions of the space and figured out if a golf simulator can fit in the area, it’s time to figure out the products you’ll need to make it happen. Here’s what you’ll need to make your home golf simulator setup come to life:

  • Projector
  • Launch Monitor 
  • Impact Screen and Enclosure
  • Swing Camera 
  • Software 
  • Mat

Do some browsing and figure out the best options for your situation. For an easy buying option, you can check out some packaged deals that fit together all of these items into one convenient setup. All you have to do is purchase and then install the setup. A packaged option will significantly speed up the process and allow you to withgo the stressful period of trying to find each individual item you’ll need. 

3. Find the Right Golf Simulator 

One of the biggest hurdles facing those who want a golf simulator is choosing the right one. There are quite a few options out there, after all, so it’s important to take a look at your own situation to figure out what you want. 

For a home golf simulator setup, you’re going to want to find something that’s quality-grade. This is a product you’re likely going to be showing off to friends and family, after all. It’s going to be an entertainment piece as well as an investment into your own game. You’ll want it to last a long time. For that reason, it’s important to go with a quality brand you can trust. 

Carl’s Place offers a huge selection of luxury-grade golf simulators that are made with the highest-quality materials and craftsmanship. You can choose from individual products or buy a package that comes with everything you’ll need for your golf simulator setup, including a launch monitor, projector, impact screen and enclosure, swing camera, golf software, mats and more. You can even customize your own golf simulator package to make it your own unique creation.

Whatever you choose to buy, we recommend going with a trusted brand. That way, you be confident in its effectiveness and enjoy it for years to come. 

4. Install 

Understand what you need, buy your products — then it’s time for installation. You can either do this on your own or have a team of experts do it. If you’re the DIY type of person, you may enjoy gathering the products yourself and setting them up. If you plan to do this, however, you’ll want to be careful with things like mounting the projector, as this will dictate the quality of your simulator screen. Be certain you understand how to do this before starting.

If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call the golf simulator company — usually, they should be able to help you out or send someone to help with installation. 

Once you have everything set up, you can install the software you’ve chosen, fire up the simulator and start golfing! 

5. Add Accessories 

Once you have everything set up, you may find that you want to add some extra additions to your golf simulator setup. A realistic putting green, for example, can add a nice touch to your setup and also give a friend something to do while they’re waiting for their turn on the simulator. 

6. Have Fun and Stay Safe 

Once you’ve completed all these steps, you can take a breath, sit back and enjoy your golf simulator. It’s one of the best investments you can make both in your golf game and in your home life — family and friends will love using the simulator to battle each other on awesome courses and competitive games. 

Best Golf Simulators For Your Home 2023 

When it comes to home golf simulators, you’ll want to find a brand that you trust and a product that you’re happy with. It’s important to review your options and see what products could work for you in the long run. 

Carl’s Place offers some of the best home golf simulator packages in the industry. We’ve outlined some of them here to help you understand the options you have at your disposal. 

Best Affordable Golf Simulators 

For those looking for an affordable home golf simulator that still offers all of the basics you’ll need to have a great time, we recommend checking out the Red Tee option at Carl’s Place, which comes with: 

Carl’s Place Red Tee Golf Simulator

  • SkyTrak Launch Monitor
  • 8×10.5×5 Golf Simulator Enclosure 
  • Preferred Impact Screen
  • Pipe Framing Kit 
  • 8’ Net Wall Extensions
  • Foam Insert Kit 
  • TrueStrike Single Golf Hitting Mat
  • BenQ TH671ST Golf Simulator Projector 

This is a high-quality setup that offers you everything you need at a great price. Check out the Red Tee package in more detail here:

Best Budget Golf Simulators

For those looking for a bit more without breaking the budget, the Carl’s Place White Tee golf simulator package offers that next-level home simulator experience. With the White Tee, you get:

Carl’s Place White Tee Golf Simulator

  • Skytrak Launch Monitor with Tee Off Package 
  • 8×10.5×5 Pro Golf Simulator Enclosure 
  • TrueStrike Single Golf Hitting Mat
  • BenQ TH671ST Golf Simulator Projector

Shop the White Tee here:

Best High-End Golf Simulators 

Customers seeking premium options for their golf simulator should look no further than the Carl’s Place Blue Tee golf simulator package, which offers an amazing comprehensive experience with all the fixings:

Carl’s Place Blue Tee Golf Simulator

  • Uneekor QED Launch Monitor
  • 8×10.5×5 Pro Golf Simulator Enclosure 
  • TGC19 Golf Simulator Software
  • TrueStrike Academy Golf Hitting Mat
  • BenQ TH671ST Golf Simulator Projector 

This option comes with a high-speed swing sensor technology that can help you review your shot data to improve your game. Take advantage of stunning golf software, high-grade products and amazing insights with the Blue Tee package from Carl’s Place. Check it out in more detail:

Best Luxury Home Golf Simulators 

Why not go all out? If you want something that is truly going to impress guests, then you’ll want to find something that’s luxury-grade. Imagine unbeatable swing-analyzing technology with dozens of data points, stunning 4k graphics that put you right inside of your favorite golf courses and a fully-immersive experience that’s a part of your own home. That’s exactly what the Black Tee package gives you at Carl’s Place. Here’s what you’ll get: 

Carl’s Place Black Tee Golf Simulator

  • Uneekor EYE XO Launch Monitor
  • 9x12x5 Pro Golf Simulator Enclosure
  • Carl’s Place Swing Cameras
  • E6 Golf Simulator Software
  • TreuStrike Academy Golf Hitting Mat
  • BenQ LU710 Golf Simulator Projector 

This is an unbeatable home golf simulator setup that gives you everything you need for a one-of-a-kind experience. You can find it here:

Why Add a Golf Simulator Setup to Your Home? 

Buying a home golf simulator can be a big investment, so you want to make sure you’ll be getting your money’s worth. If you’ve ever talked to anyone who has a golf simulator, they’ll likely tell you it’s one of the best purchases they’ve ever made. Here are some reasons why you should get an at-home golf simulator. 

Improve Your Game 

One of the best reasons to get a home golf simulator is that it will help you get better at golf. If you live in a cold climate, your golf game can be sidelined for months at a time. With a golf simulator, you can easily improve your game from the convenience of your own home. No bundling up to go out into the cold or sitting idly inside while your skills rust. Simply fire up the home simulator and start swinging. 

Gain Insight Into Swing Stats 

Many golf simulators come with valuable swing stats and data points to help you improve your game. If you invest in a swing camera, you can even watch your swing back in slow motion to analyze your mechanics. It’s like having a swing coach in your own home at all times. 

Play Your Favorite Courses 

Some of us might not be able to play the great courses like Pebble Beach, St Andrews or Augusta. With a golf simulator, you can — from the coziness of your own home. The right golf software can put you right in the middle of your favorite course. With stunning graphics getting better every day, the virtual experience is only going to improve. 

Impress Friends and Family

An at-home golf simulator is also a great entertainment piece. People will be impressed with your setup and others in your neighborhood will want to see the awesome technology for themselves. Another boring night at home can turn into an exciting, fun game night that everyone can enjoy. 

Get Everyone Involved 

Sometimes golf is relegated to those who have mastered their skills. Going out on the course to play a full nine — especially with inexperienced friends and family, can soon turn into a grueling three or four hours. A golf simulator, on the other hand, takes a lot of that pressure away. You can take part in games and activities on the simulator that the whole family can enjoy, regardless of their skill level. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about at-home golf simulators. 

How Much Does an In-Home Golf Simulator Cost? 

An at-home golf simulator can cost anywhere between $3,000 and $20,000. Products range from basic setups to commercial-grade simulators that offer fully immersive experiences. 

How High Does Your Ceiling Have to Be for a Home Golf Simulator? 

Your ceiling should be at least 8.5 feet to hold a golf simulator. 

At-Home Golf Simulator Setup: The Bottom Line 

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into a home golf simulator setup. Just be sure to follow each step through the process, find quality products and invest in something you can rely on for years down the line.