Bingo Bango Bongo: How to Play

Three elderly men playing golf.

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Looking for a way to enliven your golf game? If so, then you should look no further than the game of Bingo Bango Bongo. It is one of the most well-known golf games and it’s sure to bring some excitement and fun to your next round. So, what exactly is Bingo Bango Bongo, and how do you play it? Let’s take a closer look. 

What Is Bingo Bango Bongo?

Bingo Bango Bongo is a point-based golf game that is best played with three or four players. It can be played on any type of course, but it’s usually most fun on par 3 holes, as it tightens the competition and allows for players of all skill levels to get in the game. 

Each player competes to earn points based on their performance on each hole. These points will be awarded through a series of three challenges on each hole — bingo, bango and bongo. 

The player with the highest score (collected the most points)  at the end of the round is declared the winner. Read on to learn how it works: 

How to Play Bingo Bango Bongo

The goal is simple: each player tries to accumulate the most points throughout the round by ‘winning’ certain aspects of each hole:

  • Bingo (also known as “first on”): Player earns one point if they are first to reach the green.
  • Bango (also known as “closest-to-the-pin”): Player earns a point if they hit their ball closest to the pin after everyone has reached the green.  
  • Bongo (also known as “first in”): Player earns a point if they are first to get their ball into the hole.  

At each hole, players tally up their own points as well as their opponents’ points in order to determine who won that hole overall. For instance, if a group of three players each earns a bingo, bango and a bongo evenly between them, then each player gets a point and they tie on the hole.

In most cases, you’ll keep track of these cumulative points over the course of the whole round. At the end of 18 holes, whoever has earned the most points wins.

Tips for Playing Bingo Bango Bongo

Before you start playing Bingo Bango Bongo, be sure to follow some tips to make your round go smoother. 

Play In Turn 

One of the most important parts of Bingo Bango Bongo is playing by the rules of golf — meaning everyone hits when it’s their turn, and not before or after. If you play without these rules or play “ready golf,” then Bingo Bango Bongo essentially becomes a race to see whoever can get to the green and finish the hole first. The game assumes that all players are following standard rules and only hitting their ball when it’s their turn. 

Keep a Scorecard or Scoring App 

You’ll also need to keep track of many different scores over the course of a golf round. Points totals are constantly fluctuating, so it’s important to have a designated scorekeeper (or several) who are keeping track either on a scorecard or a golf app.  

Determine Payouts Beforehand 

It’s also smart to determine payouts beforehand. If you’re playing for money, this is especially important — be sure to put money values on points before the round begins and determine prize money for the winner. 

How to Win Bingo Bango Bongo

Now that you know how to play Bingo Bango Bongo, it’s time to figure out to put yourself in the best possible place to win. Here’s how to do it. 

Play Strategically 

Although Bingo Bango Bongo is geared towards having fun and catering to multiple skill levels, it also involves a certain amount of strategy. For instance, a certain shot may require a bit of risk to earn a point, while simply laying up would be the safer shot. The point challenges introduce a new level of decision-making on each shot, causing you to rethink your decisions and figure out whether a shot is worth the point. 

Factor In Other Players’ Strategies

As you go about formulating your own strategy, you should also be aware of how other people are playing throughout the round. Are they being aggressive? Staying conservative? Use their tactics to your advantage and stay aware of how others are playing. This can help you get a leg up and make decisions based on their actions. 

Be Aggressive, But Smart 

Bingo Bango Bongo is all about fun, so why not go out there and be aggressive? Take big swings off the tee, go for the hole-out from the fairway, be as aggressive as you want or only pull it out on certain holes. Smart aggressiveness is your key to a winning round.

Why You Should Play Bingo Bango Bongo 

There are a variety of reasons why you should try out Bingo Bango Bongo on the course. Here are a few. 

Great for All Skill Levels 

Not all golfers are created equally, and your typical game of stroke play can quickly go out the window. Bingo Bango Bongo, on the other hand, provides great competition for all skill levels, which notches up the competition and keeps things fun throughout the whole round. 

Adds Variety To Your Round 

Golf can often become a bit repetitive after playing hundreds of rounds over the years. However, if you mix up your routine and add something new into the mix, it can help keep things interesting and fun. Bingo Bango Bongo does just that. Not only does it add an element of competition between friends, but it also introduces a totally different way of looking at golf – which can keep things entertaining for everyone involved! 

Encourages Risk Taking 

Bingo Bango Bongo can also encourage risk-taking among players since it rewards those who take risks and are successful in doing so. Since points are awarded for being closest to the pin off the tee or first on the green, players may be encouraged to try longer tee shots or hit over hazards in order to gain an advantage over their opponents. This can help teach novice players about taking calculated risks when playing golf, which can help them become better overall golfers in the long run. 

Improves Course Management

Finally, Bingo Bango Bongo can help improve course management skills since it rewards thoughtful strategic play rather than simply hitting your ball as hard as you can every time. 

Players must think carefully about which club they should use off the tee and how they should manage their approach shots in order to maximize points earned during each hole played. This helps instill good habits in beginning golfers while also giving more experienced players a chance to hone their course management skills even further.  

Bingo Bango Bongo: The Bottom Line 

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro golfer looking for something new and exciting, Bingo Bango Bongo could be just what you need. It’s easy enough for even novice golfers yet challenging enough for more experienced players too—allowing everyone involved get some practice in while having some competitive fun along the way. 

So grab some friends, head out on your favorite course, and see who takes home bragging rights after 18 holes of Bingo Bango Bongo!