When Is the Best Time to Buy Golf Clubs?

Close up image of a brand new set of Taylor Made golf clubs.

So, you’ve decided you need some new sticks in your golf bag. It’s a big step, and an exciting one. It also comes with plenty of decisions and some time devoted to finding the perfect set for you. One question you’ll likely have, especially if you want a good deal, is when the right time to buy a set of golf clubs is. Though there is no perfect time to buy golf clubs, there are some better times than others during the year when you might find some hot deals. 

In this article, we’ll look at the best times to buy golf clubs throughout the year and offer some tips to help you during the search. 

What Is the Best Time of Year to Buy Golf Clubs?

Generally, springtime is considered the best time to buy new golf clubs. This is because it’s the start of the new season and manufacturers are starting to release their new products. Those that are looking for the newest and best golf sets will have a wide selection to choose from that features all of the best technology. Others looking for bargains will be able to find older models that have just dropped in price due to new shipments. 

This makes springtime a great time for both bargain hunters and brand-new club hunters alike. Still, you’ll still be able to find clubs at great prices at other times during the year. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll typically find during each season. 


Summer is considered by many to be the worst time to buy new golf clubs. It’s kind of the limbo of golf club releases — you’re in between the holiday season and already past the hot releases of spring. People are already out and golfing with the clubs they know and love and prices are staying relatively the same. It’s not necessarily a bad time to buy golf clubs — it’s just not seen as much of an advantageous time as the spring or winter holidays. 

However, if you’re looking for new golf clubs, you might be able to find lower costs for the latest models in the waning months of summer. 


As the leaves start to change and the cold shiver of Autumn starts to wind its way over the fairways, you’ll probably be able to find some falling prices for golf club sets. Stores will want to try to get rid of their latest inventory to make room for the newer updates the following season. This is also a time when you’ll likely be able to find great used sets and clubs. 

When October and November hit and the weather starts to get colder, demand for new clubs will drop. You may be able to find great discounts and sales for clubs. 


Buying clubs when snow is on the ground might seem like an odd thing. But, you can find some of the best deals on clubs during this time. As Christmas approaches, manufacturers will take advantage of the holidays and drop their prices to clear out inventory. This can allow you to bargain hunt and find some clubs at a great price. 

Signs You Should Buy Golf Clubs 

Aside from waiting for the right time of year to buy golf clubs, you may be looking for other reasons to get a new set. Here are some signs it’s time for some new clubs. 

You’re Using a Hand-Me-Down Set

If you’ve been using a set that you found buried in your garage for the last year, then it might be time for a new set. While woods that are actually made out of wood can be cool to show off to friends, they probably won’t give you the same effect as some newer clubs. Investing in a new set can substantially improve your game

You Want to Take Your Game to the Next Level 

Getting a brand new set of clubs is sort of like a rite of passage for golfers — it shows that you’re committed to the game and focused on playing quite a bit in the future. Buying a new set of clubs is one of the best ways to get better at golf. You could even get a club fitting to ensure that your clubs are custom-fit to your swing. 

You Want the Newest Gear 

Golf clubs are better than ever today. A new driver can potentially add dozens of your yards to your swing. If you’re someone who wants the latest and best golf technology, then finding a new set of clubs is a great way to spend some money. 

Your Clubs Are Showing Clear Signs of Wear 

If your golf clubs are showing any signs of scratches, chips, or dents, you’ll want to start looking for new clubs immediately. Even if they’re tiny, those small imperfections on your clubhead could be affecting your swing. 

You’re Not Getting the Same Distances You Used To 

If you used to hit your driver 250 and now it’s only rolling to about 200, it could be a sign that there’s something wrong with your clubs. Yes, many golfers are always quick to blame the tools in their hands, but sometimes this could actually be the case. Try using a friend’s driver and see if you get a better distance. If you do, it might be time for a new club. 

Tips for Buying Golf Clubs at the Right Time 

Any buying process can be intimidating. Here are some easy ways to make buying a new set of golf clubs go smoothly. 

Look For Sales 

As mentioned earlier, it can be smart to wait for holiday sales or the off-season prices so that you can get good deals on the clubs you want. This may not work for those who are looking for a new set immediately, but if you have the patience to wait then this could be the way to go. Christmas, Father’s Day, and late fall are all great times to look for those sales. 

Be Confident In What You Want 

Make sure you know what you’re looking for as you start looking. Do you want a whole new set or just one club? Being confident about what you want will help you jump on a great price when you see one. 

Wait for Prices to Go Down 

Sometimes it can be difficult to know if a golf club is priced high. Ultimately, if it feels like a lot, it could be beneficial to wait it out and see if the price drops eventually. In all likelihood, it will.

Where Can You Buy Golf Clubs?

Your local golf shop and online stores are great places to look for golf clubs. Sometimes, you may even be able to find clubs at your local course or driving range. If you want used clubs, you could ask around your neighborhood or check out local listings. 

Best Time to Buy Golf Clubs: The Bottom Line 

Finding the perfect time to buy golf clubs can be difficult. Hopefully, this brief guide helped you determine when to buy your next set.