How Accurate Are Golf Simulators?

Seven golf balls gathered together in a hexagon shape on a black surface.

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Golf simulators can be incredibly accurate. As technology improves every year, tracking technology is able to get closer and closer to telling you exactly how far your ball would go on an actual course, along with other details like ball speed and spin. 

Granted, golf simulators are far from a perfect science. You are hitting into a screen, after all, so the simulator won’t be able to perfectly replicate a ball’s flight. 

And every once in a while a simulator might not catch one of your shots — that’s just the small price you have to pay for using emerging technology. Still, even aside from these small kinks, golf simulators provide incredible accuracy that continues to get sharper each year. 

How accurate a golf simulator is will depend on a few different factors such as the brand of the simulator, what model it is and how it’s made. 

How Do Golf Simulators Measure Accuracy? 

It’s fascinating to peer inside the inner workings of a golf simulator to see how they can so accurately measure a ball after it leaves your club. A golf simulator can track accuracy in a few different ways, depending on the type you have. 

High-Speed Cameras

Many golf simulators use high-speed cameras to take pictures of your ball when you hit. In these snapshots, the simulator is able to gain troves of information that it can then piece together to tell you how far your ball will go. 


Some simulators emit doppler radar. When you hit the ball, the signals get interrupted by the ball’s flight. The simulator then uses this information to give you data about your shot. 


One of the more intuitive ways a simulator tracks simulators is through optical sensors. When you hit the ball, these sensors pick up on all of the details of your swing and the ball to give you an accurate reading. 

Infrared Light 

In this type of golf simulator, light waves interact with your golf ball at impact, making the tracing of your ball accurate and allowing you to watch it fly across the screen. 

How Do You Know If Golf Simulators Are Accurate?

While some people might be using simulators just for fun, others could be looking to get real insights into their swing. Simulators have tons of valuable information that you can look at, after all, so the more accurate the simulator is, the more you can work on your mechanics and find that perfect swing. Here are some ways to make sure your golf simulator is accurate. 

Check That the Settings Are Right 

You might need to tweak the settings a bit to make sure the simulator is tracking your ball accurately. For instance, you might want to adjust the humidity or weather conditions of your simulator so that it matches the climate you actually play in. 

If you’re based in Arizona, you may need to adjust the humidity and temperature so that the ball is going as far as it would on an actual course near you. Though this might seem like a small adjustment, it can make all the difference when it comes to your golf simulator’s accuracy. 

Compare Your Simulator to a Real Round 

You should also take a look at how your simulator is tracking your ball compared to an actual round. How far is your ball going on the course compared to the simulator? Though you likely won’t be able to exactly match your shot from real life to simulator, you’ll be able to get a feel for how your simulator is working. 

Have an Expert Look At It 

You can only do so much to make your simulator accurate — unless you’re a simulator expert yourself. If not, you can get in contact with a service that can come take a look at your simulator to make sure it’s up to speed. 

Invest in a New Simulator 

One of the most important factors for how accurate your simulator is is what type you have and how new it is. If you’re looking to get a really accurate simulator, be sure to invest in a top-of-the-line product that you rely on. 

Golf Simulators and Accuracy: The Bottom Line 

Nowadays, golf simulators can be extremely accurate. How accurate your simulator is will depend on the type you get and how new it is. If you’re looking for a very accurate golf simulator, be sure to be patient during the buying process so that you can settle on something you really like.