How Much Is a Golf Cart?

A woman sitting in a golf cart with a beautiful sky in the background.

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Golf carts usually range around $8,000-$9,000. However, this range can vary widely when it comes to used carts that on their last legs to luxury carts with all the fixings. You could find one for as low as $1,000 or go looking for something really souped-up on the $15,000+ range. 

It all depends on much you’re willing to spend and the type of golf cart you’re looking at. 

Factors that Affect Golf Cart Prices 

There are multiple factors that will affect your golf cart price. Characteristics such as the type of engine, size of the cart and newness will shift the price up or down. 

Engine Type 

Prices will differ slightly based on the engine type. The main types of golf carts are ran by gas, diesel and an electric battery:

  • Gas Carts: Gas carts are standard — they’re what have been traditionally used in the golf card industry for decades. Reliable, hardworking and slightly outdated — you may be able to find a cost-effective golf cart easily on the market. 
  • Diesel Carts: Diesel carts are a little rarer, although diesel makes them very reliable. These types of carts are pretty difficult to find, nowadays, as most carts are either gas or electric. 
  • Electric Carts: Electric carts are the new wave. Many courses are now switching to electric fleets because of their easy drivability and low maintenance. No need to fill it up with gas — just make sure it has a full battery and you’re good to go. Generally, electric carts will cost a little bit more than gas carts. 

Generally, the type of golf cart itself won’t be much of a difference maker when it comes to engine type. Electric carts tend to be a bit more simple because they’re newer and often have more accessories that come with them. 


Size will also dictate golf cart prices. The bigger and more seating a cart has, the more expensive it’s probably going to be. Usually they come in 2-seaters, 4-seaters and 6-seaters. 


Today, golf carts come with all sorts of gadgets — lift kits, shock absorbers, seat kits, mirrors — essentially, you can spend as much as you want to get the golf cart you want. It all depends on your budget and the quality of golf cart you’re looking for. 

If you’re going to buy a cart with all of these accessories already included, this is going to factor into your overall price. You also have the option of buying a cart with relatively few accessories and then adding to it once you own it. 

Model Year 

Newness is a huge factor when it comes to buying a golf cart. Someone who is trying to get rid of their ancient cart that barely runs may give it away for next to nothing. On the other hand, you may be looking at a brand-new Yamaha golf cart that’s just rolled out of the facility. 

The newer the cart, the more expensive it may be. Newer carts will also be more reliable, more durable and probably just function better, so it may be worth it to spend the extra money to get a quality cart. 

Benefits of Owning a Golf Cart 

Owning a golf cart offers many different advantages. From its wide array of uses to sheer amusement, a golf cart can be a great purchase that you can use for a long time. 


Nowadays, people use golf carts for much more than just driving around the course. You can find them pretty much anywhere they’re allowed:

  • College Campuses
  • Small Towns 
  • Islands 
  • Hospitals 
  • Campgrounds 
  • Farms 
  • Retirement Communities 

Golf carts are great vehicles to have for pretty much anywhere you need a convenient way to get around. 


Golf carts are also just plain fun. You can zoom around (safely) in the compactness of the cart to get around. There’s a reason so many people rent them on islands and campgrounds — they’re just really fun to drive. You’re still open to the elements, so they’re perfect to ride in around on a beautiful day. Feel the wind on your face, soak up the sun and get to where you need to go quickly. 

Or just keep driving and enjoy the ride. 

Fuel Savings 

Golf carts are great at retaining fuel. If you get an electric cart, you won’t need to spend money on gas at all. This is a great advantage for those who only have to travel short intervals. Instead of hauling your full-sized vehicle a mile and back, you can just use a golf cart to travel. In that way, you’ll be able to stay efficient without throwing away money. 


Golf carts are also very easy to drive. Their small size allows them to get to places that regular carts may not be able to, and you can weave through slim areas easily. 


If you’re in an area with a lot of people, golf carts provide a much safer option than a car. Get hit by a golf cart and you’ll take some damage, sure, but it’s much less than if you were hit by a truck. This is another reason golf carts are so popular on small islands and campgrounds — their easy handling and small frame make them more maneuverable in large crowds of people. 

How To Decide On The Right Golf Cart 

If you are looking to buy a golf cart, it’s important to have some tips in mind as you get into the process. 

Determine Your Budget 

One of the first things you’ll want to do is figure out how much you’re going to spend on the golf cart. This will allow you to eliminate the choices that are out of your range, which will help speed up the process and get rid of distractions. 

Think About Functionality 

How are you going to be using your golf cart? Is it going to be used for multiple functions? Try to narrow down all the ways you’ll be using your golf cart so you can get a good idea of what qualities you need.

If you’re going to be using your golf cart for a lot of driving through various terrain, it may be beneficial to invest in a quality cart. 

How New Do You Want It?

Also think about how new you’re going to want your golf cart. Factory fresh? Or are you okay with something that already has some miles on it? 

Keep this in mind as you go about the buying process.